Essential Summer Tips To Maintain Your Rental Car In Bahrain

The heat of the fire ball doesn't spare anything especially during summer. Not only do the human's suffer from scorching heat but also outdoor materials' longevity gets affected. Just like humans make use of sunscreens, sunglasses and umbrellas to safeguard themselves from the sun. Similarly, elements we use outdoors require protection from the sun too. Especially motor vehicles as it directly comes into contact with the sun.

From June to August the summer heat gets harsh in GCC countries and this reflects on cars. It’s high time now we start looking for tips to shield our rental cars from the damage caused by baking heat. Neglecting the care and maintenance will result in damages that will affect the look and lifespan of the car. The overheating of the car’s body, fluid evaporation and scratches on the body of the car are few initial damages that are caused due to negligence during summer.

Though car rental companies provide time to time maintenance and service, taking elemental care of your rental car is essential. Read the following tips below and follow them to protect your car from getting damaged due to the blazing heat.

Exterior: The First Impression

The initial part that gets affected due to harsh UV rays is the exterior part of the vehicle and it defines the overall impression of a car. So, always make sure to take some extra measures to defend it from the heat.

Always park the car in a shaded area or use a car sun shades to shield it from harsh sun rays. Exposing the cars too much to the sunlight leads to fading of color. To prevent the exterior material and the color from fading away or getting oxidized wax the car every 6 months and also get a paint protection film.

Wash and dry off the car often to get rid of debris, minerals and other waste particles that get stuck to the car. This gives an impression of an unhygienic and not well maintained car.

Eye On Tires

Tires play a vital role for a quality drive. Getting in touch with hot roads leaves burns on tires. Keeping a check on the air pressure and temperature of the tires is advisable, neglecting it can cause tire blowout

Make sure to inform the rental company when the tires are worn out. Worn out tires often lead to leakage of air. Prevent it before the issue arises by replacing the tires on time. Rules are always framed for a reason. The faster the tires run the greater the friction. So, stick to the speed limits allotted for the longevity of tires. Finally, use wax based products to clean and treat your tires for better and long run.

Backbone Battery

Batteries are considered as the backbone for the motor that require special attention. Especially, during summer because the increased heat causes corrosion inside the battery which results in current flow. To avoid all these obstacles make sure to keep the battery clean, dust out any corrosion with copper brush or a scouring pad.

Check the water level in the battery and trace for any leaks, cracks or bulges to fix it before it's too late. Though, the car rental company will let the pro mechanics to service the car perfectly make sure to confirm once with the staff.

The Cooling System

Cooling system is not only the air condition, it also includes other parts like the water pump, thermostat, radiator and hoses. Failure of one part can completely stop the cooling system from working. With the rise in temperature the work of the cooling system in cars increases. Traveling in the hot summer of the UAE without the air conditioning is unimaginable and also it is risky to your health.

Always guarantee the air conditioning is working in perfect condition. Damage of any one part can lead to increase in engine temperature which will lead to serious engine failure. Check the fluid level of the cooling system and look for any possible leakages if you find one repair the damages before time.

Dashboard And Shades

The most exposed interior component to the UV rays is the dashboard of the car. Get a sunshade to protect your car from the summer heat. If your car is always parked in the sunny parking lot then getting a sunshade is a savior for you. The windshield will protect the interiors of the car from the heat by keeping the cabin cool.

Going on a long drive during summer might sound exciting but it comes with lots of responsibilities. Make sure you check all these tips before driving your car in the summer. With that take a spare tyre, emergency kit, water and snacks and other essential things. Last but not least make sure the driver and the rental car are covered under insurance.